Digging (up) the Spiny Rice-flower Pimelea spinescens subsp. spinescens

What happens when a threatened plant is growing in an intended development location? Often under Australian legislation, impacts can be ‘offset’ and the plant translocated. Moved, salvaged, re-grown in pots and planted elsewhere. But does that really work?! And how can we learn from these practices? Pimelea spinescens subsp. spinescens is (probably) Australia's most salvaged plant and has a few valuable lessons to teach; about ecology, collaboration and open accessibility of knowledge. Over 23 years the team has worked to improve success rates and sharing of outcomes that were once held as 'client in confidence', so that everyone involved in translocation has an opportunity to learn what has and has not worked.

Co Directors - Michael Lawrence-Taylor, Chantelle Doyle
Producer - Chantelle Doyle
Narration - Chantelle Doyle
Cinematograper - Michael Lawrence-Taylor
Editor - Michael Lawrence-Taylor


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